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Middleton Primary School

School Uniform


School uniform is an important part of school life as it helps to create and foster a sense of community and a feeling of belonging.  It demonstrates to children that there are codes of conduct and dress in society, especially in the working environment.  We ask that all parents support us in ensuring that their children wear the correct uniform and are smart and presentable.  We ask the children to ensure that they take care of their uniform and take pride in their appearance.

A smart appearance both in dress and hairstyle will convey a positive message about how a person values themselves and how they may fit into any learning or working community.  In addition, your child will be representing our school when they learn off site at sports competitions, museum visits, residential visits.

If your child has any medical issues which require an adaptation of the uniform, please bring a letter from your GP or consultant, and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Please use your common sense when choosing hairstyles for your child.  Whilst the school does not wish to dictate exact lengths or acceptable styles, it is important that you consider what the ethos of our school aims to encourage.


Middleton School Uniform can also be purchased by following the link below. Please be aware that the images are examples, so do not show the Middleton logo or colours on the items, however you will see the logo in the right-hand side of the web page, once you have selected Middleton Primary School.


Alternatively use-


Grey Skirt or Pinafore Dress or Black or Grey Trousers

White Polo Shirt (Yox Valley Logo optional)

Burgundy Pullover or Cardigan with Middleton Logo

Plain Dark or White Socks or Tights. Sensible shoes.

In summer, red and white gingham dresses are acceptable.



Grey or Black Shorts or Long Trousers (no black jeans)

White Shirt or Polo Shirt

Burgundy Pullover with Middleton Logo

Plain Dark Socks. Sensible Shoes



White T-Shirt (Yox Valley Logo optional)

Black or Navy Shorts

Plimsolls or Trainers

Tracksuit tops and/or bottoms for cold weather

PE Bag

Swimming lessons - costume/trunks, hats, goggles, towel, swim bag.


Children should wear black shoes, no trainers or heels. 


For safety, hair longer than shoulder length should be neatly and securely tied back at all times. Make up (including nail varnish) and transfers should not be worn in school. One pair of stud earrings only, these WILL need to be removed by the child for all PE lessons.

Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled.

Thank you for your continued support.


We encourage the use of second hand uniform so please contact us to see if we have any pre-loved uniform at the school and any proceeds made will go towards our school's development. We currently offer a second hand sale of uniform every Monday morning, so please come along - each item is £1. Also, often local charity shops provide our pre-loved uniform, so we recommend popping into the local towns and villages to seek out some Middleton Uniform. 

We welcome any donations of unneeded uniform. Please contact reception if you have anything you wish to donate, so a drop-off can be arranged. We also offer a swap system, so if your child has out grown an item we can swap it for a bigger pre-loved item. 

Please also be aware that Uniform does not need to have the school logo, as long as it is the school colours it is perfectly acceptable.